Live, Love, Laugh 

“LIFE is a mystery to be lived,
not a problem to be solved”

“LOVE is a spiritual experience – nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being.”

“The whole play of existence is so beautiful that LAUGHTER can be the only response to it. Only laughter can be the real prayer, the gratitude.”


About me

My whole life, I sought to connect deeply with nature and culture all over the world. I always felt that I don’t belong to one country or culture. I celebrate universal belonging, love, joy, and freedom.

I hold MA degrees in Cultural Anthropology (minor Gender & Women’s Studies), Sociology and Education. I travelled and worked in different (80+) countries as a teacher, trainer, tourleader and retreat host. 

In my twenties, I started my journey back to inner wholeness, as my life was full and adventurous however not always satisfying – let alone liberating – to the Soul. Over the last two decades, I have been learning with various teachers and masters in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, shamanism, sufism, and tantra. I got introduced to the world of Osho and took sannyas. My neo-sannyas name is Ma Kamala Devi, usually just Kamala. My birth name Kim.

I received various qualifications to teach integral yoga, mindfulness, and I was trained in non-dual therapy (masculine and feminine polarity work), and (energy) bodywork as a practitioner at different international (neo) tantra / mystery schools.

I dedicate myself to the tantric path. Life is a powerful and never-ending journey of liberation. A journey that, most times, makes me feel vibrantly alive, joyful, and in love with Existence. 

Movement and dance have been one of my biggest teachers, healers and connection to the Divine. Therefore, I integrate movement in many of my offerings. Breathe, shake, sing and dance (breath, sound, movement as the basic tantric tools), and life is, or becomes, joy. And joy is a spiritual and inner phenomenon. Something that comes from within and it is something that goes beyond happiness or pleasure.

If you just set people in motion, they will heal themselves.

Gabrielle Roth

+31683575873 (whatsapp only)

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