March 21 – 27|April 1 – 7

Level 1 – Spiritual Shamanic Experience
Level 2 – Spiritual Shamanic Initiation

Times: Check-in 1pm latest |Check-out 3-4pm
: Seaside resort with pools and tropical gardens. Address is shared after application form has been filled. 


– Regular full price per training is 2050 + transfer fees / charges.

– Repeater full price per training is 1600 + transfer fees / charges. 
Limited repeater spaces. Send an email to to inquiry. 

– Regular full price for level 1 and 2 together is 3900 + transfer fees / charges.
100 discount for each training.

The remaining balance will be paid after your application is approved. This second payment is due on February 21.

Step 1 – Pay deposit or full tuition 

NOTE – For level 2, we already started a waiting list and deposit payments can no longer be made.
For level 1, registration is still open for the moment yet this training will also be fully booked soon.

After you pay a deposit of €500 or the full tuition at once, continue with step 2 right away.

If you pay a deposit only, the remaining balance is due on Feb. 21. 


Name: Kim Sikking
Account: NL66ABNA0515828009
Bank: ABN AMRO N.V, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Payment reference:Your Name + L1” or “Your Name + L2
Please use EXACTLY THIS PAYMENT REFERENCE; do not write anything else in your reference.
When you wish to book L1 and L2, pay a deposit of 1000, and use payment reference: “Your Name + L1 L2 deposit” 

Note – All bank / creditcard transfer fees / charges are your responsibility. This means we look at the actual amount we receive, after all fees / charges have been applied. Make sure to check this carefully so you don’t have to send additional funds.


Account Holder: Kim Sikking
IBAN: BE16967645846574
Wise’s Address: Rue de Trone 100, 3rd floor Brussels, 1050 Belgium
Payment reference:Your Name + L1” or “Your Name+ L2
Please use EXACTLY THIS PAYMENT REFERENCE; do not write anything else in your reference. When you wish to book L1 and L2, pay a deposit of 1000, and use payment reference: “Your Name + L1 L2” 

Note – All bank / creditcard transfer fees / charges are your responsibility. This means we look at the actual amount we receive, after all fees / charges have been applied. Make sure to check this carefully so you don’t have to send additional funds.


Reach out first to inquire, and only if the above two payment options are impossible for you.


Step 2 – Send e-mail

Send an e-mail to which includes:
– your full name
– proof of deposit payment (read the note below)

After you sent your e-mail, you will receive your application form.

Note – It is essential that you send an e-mail yourself. Only an automatically generated proof of payment by Wise (or PayPal) is not enough as this does not share your e-mail address and therefore will not allow us to reply to you with the form you need to continue your application process.  


Step 3 – Fill in form

Fill in the application form that you received by e-mail.

Your application will be reviewed. This will take some time as several people of our team will review your application. Within 14 days you will receive an e-mail with all further information about the training, or possibly with first some follow-up questions based on your application. 

All information provided in the form is completely confidential and will only be shared between the organiser and facilitators.

Note – If you applied for both the Level 1 and 2 in Bali, AND it will be your first time doing Level 1, your acceptance of Level 2 depends on how your Level 1 training goes. If, at the end of level 1, the lead facilitator feels you are not ready to continue with level 2 already a few days later, we will let you know and fully refund your level 2 payment.

Step 4 – Receive all info

Once your application is approved, you will receive an e-mail with a welcome letter with more information. The remaining balance can be paid now as well. This second payment is due on February 21.

Cancellation Policy

A commitment to these trainings is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to these trainings, it is no accident.

If for some reason you become unable to attend, €200 admin fee will be withheld and is non-refundable and non-transferable (to other ISTA trainings), up until 30 days before the training.

Once the 30 days before the training have passed, the total deposit of €500 is non-refundable and non-transferable. For further info on cancellation policy, visit or 

Level 1

 “The Experience” 

In this training, our team of skilled temple arts faculty will share, inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where your power awaits to be reclaimed.

Level 1 provides an alchemical container for transformation through group practise, ritual and meditation. It carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy.

In the training, you will receive information, guidance and lots of experiential practice around:

  • self-love
  • boundaries and consent
  • emotional release
  • voice dialogue
  • shamanic tools
  • shadow work
  • the ability to manifest
  • accessing your inner gender opposite
  • conscious communication
  • transformational breathwork
  • ancient rituals of healing/initiation and powerful clearing/activation processes.

Level 1 begins its work once the decision is made that this is the way we want to live!
It’s not just an ecstatic peak experience in a workshop once in a while, it’s a (new) way of life

Level 2

The Initiation”

In this training, our team of skilled temple arts faculty will guide you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.

Level 2 deepens the experience of Level 1 allowing more hands-on practise with some of the tools and techniques taught. Therefore, level 1 is a prerequisite to complete before being admitted into level 2.


The level 2 initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal. 

This provides us with the opportunity to shift our identity into the soul and become the source of our own life, love and empowered expression in the world.

Its symbol is the offering up of the heart. Once the life is ‘given up’ or ‘taken over’ by this deeper part of ourselves then we are ready for the greater mysteries – the identification with the universal life of our cosmos and planet.

The self becomes a source of inflowing current to our surroundings enabling others to awaken, initiate and transform. We become a creative force in our environment.


These transformative trainings offer a portal to love, joy, power, and freedom.

Join and awaken your life-force energy alongside other beings who choose love and freedom as their cornerstones in life.

Upgrading your human experience is the first step towards living as an embodied Soul on this planet.



Welcome to yourself!