India Pilgrimage

January 15 – 20, 2025
Journey to the roots of Classical Tantra
With Swami Ganga and Baul Mystics
Location: Khajuraho, India
Time: Check-in 10am-1pm | Check-out 1pm
UPDATE – This pilgrimage is NOT organised by Kamala in 2025 however it does take place.
Bynoi organises and co-facilitates. For info, questions, and booking, contact Bynoi at

This pilgrimage to the Tantra Temples in Khajuraho is a precious gift to listen and meditate with the very essence of Classical Tantra. We will have opportunities to listen to the Indian Tantrik Mysteries, activate, and have reference points of Kundalini codes and life-force-energy.
Khajuraho is a unique place in the world where the Mythology, Cosmology, Esoteric Wisdom of the Yoginis and Tantrikas come Alive. It is a rare opportunity to drink from the Deep Wells of Tantra, Kundalini, and be initiated into the Deeper Mysteries still alive in the Temples of Khajuraho.
This pilgrimage is organized by Kamala Devi Kim and facilitated by Bynoi Desouza and Diana Prem Shakti. We will be guided by renowned Tantra Master and Khajuraho expert Swami Ganga. The Baul Mystics, a living embodiment of tantric prayer intoxicated with the Divine, will be supporting us with Sacred Song Circles.
We will explore the sacred temples of Khajuraho (Main Temples, Yogini Temples, Bija or Seed Temples), and the more remote esoteric unknown temples. We will engage in group listening, silence, tantra meditations, embodied prayer, sacred ritual, explore the Indian Mysteries, Mythology, and Cosmology of Tantra.
About Khajuraho
Khajuraho is an energy vortex, one of the birth-places of Tantra in India. Built over a 1000 years ago, some of the most graphic, erotic and sensuous sculptures the world has known are on the temple walls of Khajuraho. Every facade – wall, window, pillar, and ceiling – of Khajuraho is carved with figures of mythical and historical origins. Tantric adepts from all over the sub-continent came to Khajuraho.
Osho, the Indian mystic in his commentary on the temples stated: “..if you meditate there, you will know what the Tantra masters were doing. They were creating in stone something that is felt in the ultimate orgasmic joy. It was the most difficult thing to do, to bring ecstasy into the stone. And if the stone can show the ecstasy, then everybody can move into that ecstasy easily. Khajuraho sculpture is not just to see, it is for meditation.
Sit silently and meditate for hours. If one goes to Khajuraho, one should live at least for three months there, so he can meditate on each possible inner posture of orgasmic joy. And then, slowly slowly, the at-onement, slowly slowly, the harmony; then suddenly you are transported into another world — the world of those mystics who created this temple. This is objective art…….”
About Swami Ganga
Swami Ganga met Osho in the 1960’s and subsequently, became his guide during Osho’s many visits to Khajuraho. By luck, chance or destiny, while still a teenager, Swami Ganga found himself in the hands of one of the greatest Tantra Masters. Osho proceeded to offer Ganga powerful transmissions on the nature of Khajuraho, including its original intent, its esoteric history, and all the symbolism of these magnificent temples.
Swami Ganga gave tours in these temples for 45 years, before going into half retirement. He currently devotes his time between being in his hotel in Khajuraho and offering his sublime presence and wisdom to groups of seekers who come from all over the world, to drink in his eloquent wisdom.
About the Baul Tantric Mystics
Osho once described the Yogi, Tantric and Baul as three tables of people in a cafe: the yogi makes the tea, the tantric hands the tea out and the Baul is drinking it. That tea is bliss, bhav…the nectar of life. The Yogi is cultivating it. The Tantric is giving it out. The Baul is getting drunk on it!
The Bauls are the Indian Sufis, mystical musicians from Bengal. They sing from the heart and pour out their feelings and emotions in their songs. Their music reflects bonds of the heart, subtly revealing the mystery of life, the laws of nature and the ultimate union with the divine. A Baul is a mystic nomad dealing with human relations, emotions and spontaneously expressing their spiritual ideology through music & dance.
They seek the divinity in human beings. Metaphysical topics are dwelt upon in a humble fashion and in simple words. To them we are all a gift of divine power and the body is a temple, music being the path to connect to that power.
Osho says “A Baul is a flowering. A Baul is a flowing energy. The Baul is not a seeker, the Baul is one who has found. The Baul is a SIDDHA: one who has looked into life and realized that all is available and there is no need to seek. One has just to participate in this mystery called life. He dances, he sings, he enjoys, he is blissful for no reason at all.”
About the instruments
The Bauls use ancient shamanic instruments that tune the human body to the universal cosmic frequency. The most common instrument used is the ektara, a one-stringed “plucked drum” drone instrument, carved from the epicarp of a gourd, and made of bamboo and goatskin. Others include the dotara, a long-necked fretless lute (while the name literally means “two stringed” it usually has four metal strings) made of the wood of a jackfruit or neem tree. Drums like the duggi, a small hand-held earthen drum, and and khol; small cymbals called khartal and manjira, and the bamboo flute are also used. Ghungur and nupur are anklets with bells that ring while the person wearing them dances. They also play the “ananda-lahori” which literally translated means “waves of ecstacy”.
About the songs
The music of the Bauls, Baul Sangeet, is a particular type of folk music. Its lyrics carry influences of the Hindu bhakti movements and the songs of Kabir. Their music represents a long heritage of preaching mysticism through songs in Bengali. Their lyrics intertwine a deep sense of mysticism, a longing for oneness with the divine.
Typical Daily Schedule
-Sensing the body of prayer or Tantric Womb Alchemy meditations.
-Land journey to the temples or morning Tantra session in the Temples or Nature.
-Land journeys, guided tour, ritual and meditations in the temples (Western Temples, Eastern Temples, Yogini Temple) with the group. Activations at the temple sites with the Baul mystics.
-Evening ritual, sacred song circles with the Bauls, ceremony or group ritual
Our venue for the pilgrimage is a simple yet lovely hotel run by an Osho-mystic. It is a 15-minutes drive from the airport and 5-minutes walking distance from the western temples. All details will be shared in the Welcome Letter once you have booked and registered.
Simple vegetarian food is included (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and we will be catering to all food intolerances and allergies. You can complete your nutrition requirements in the registration form.
Khajuraho is located right in the center of the country. Flying into Khajuraho is the easiest option. Khajuraho airport is 5 km south of town.
Trains are also available from Delhi to travel to Khajuraho. If you want to have the experience of traveling by train to Khajuraho, it would be easier to use a local travel agent in India or go to the railway station and book a train.
Taxis are available from the airport to the hotel & more information is available in the Welcome Letter.
Nights before and after the pilgrimage
You can book additional nights at the hotel directly based on their availability. More information is available in the Welcome Letter.
Visa to India
Almost all nationalities require visas to travel to India. E-visas can be obtained online. We recommend to look into this asap and not to leave this for the last minute.
Is this for me? Inclusive? Safe space?
All of you belong here. We are committed to creating an inclusive and safe space for all participants, regardless of age, gender, race, s.xual orientation, relating styles, class, language, or background.
No prior experience in embodiment, meditation, energetic work, or sensual environments required. You are welcome, whether you are a complete beginner to the world of Embodiment, Yoga, Dance/Movement, Tantra, Conscious Relating/Intimacy, and/or Sacred Sexuality, or you have many years of experience navigating these spaces.
The greater the mix of prior experiences, the richer the experiential. This experiential is entirely invitational. There are no requirements, or explanations required.
At the beginning of our time together, we will establish agreements together, so that every individual feels fully honored and supported in moving only as fast or slow and as far as their individual sense of safety permits. Each person decides their level of involvement, without peer group pressure.
You may practise with your partner or friend if you have booked together. Individual participants will be invited to rotate and practise with other participants. This allows you to have a variety of different experiences and you always have the choice whether to participate or not.
Early Bird Group (First 10 spots and to be booked before November 15)
-Single ticket – 1250 EUR pp
-Double ticket – 1850 EUR / 925 Euros pp (when you book as 2 friends or a couple sharing a room with twin beds / kingsize)
Foundational Group (after Early Birds are taken up)
-Single Tuition – 1350 EUR pp
-Double Tuition – 1950 EUR / 975 EUR pp (when you book as 2 friends or a couple sharing a room with twin beds / kingsize)
Daily Khajuraho monument fees are not included and these vary depending on nationality and are around 7.50 EUR (600 INR) a day for most Westerners.
Step 1 – Pay deposit / full tuition & e-mail
After you pay a deposit of €500 or the full tuition at once, please send an email to that includes:
– Your full name
– Proof of payment (screenshot of transaction).
When you paid the deposit only, the remaining balance is due on December 15.
Now go HERE to make your payment (converted into UK currency €500 / £420 | €1250 / £1050 |€1850 / £1550)
Step 2 – Fill in form
As a reply to your e-mail, you will receive a registration form to fill in. All information provided in the form is completely confidential and will only be shared between the organiser and facilitators.
Step 3 – Receive all info
Once your filled registration form has been received, you will receive the Welcome Letter with more info and the invitation to transfer the remaining balance (if you didn’t transfer the full tuition at once). Remaining payment is due on December 15.
Refund / Cancellation Policy
In case of a force majeure from your side before December 15, 2024, an admin fee of 200 EUR will be applied and is non-refundable, and non-transferable to other offerings by both facilitators and producer. Any paid amount other than this will be refunded to you within 14 working days after cancellation.
In case of a force majeure from your side on or after December 15, 2024, an admin fee of 500 EUR will be non-refundable and non-transferable to other offerings by both facilitators and producer. Any paid amount other than this will be refunded to you within 14 working days after cancellation.
Below’s conditions will be accepted as force majeure:
* Death or documented severe disease of first or second degree relatives.
* Documented severe disease of the participant.
Below’s conditions will not be accepted as force majeure:
* Cancellation of flights or other means of transport.
* Anything other than specified force majeure conditions above.
In case this offering is cancelled by the producer, any paid amount will be refunded excluding possible bank charges.

You are invited
This pilgrimage is an opportunity to strengthen and tune the vibration of your body with the somatics of prayer. To deepen your capacity to listen through pilgrim prayer, dance and meditation, at one of the birthplaces of Tantra.
One of the metaphors to describe Tantra is weaving, and the invitation is to weave a collective Body of Prayer that includes our intentions, soul codes, & prayer threads. Ancient codes aligned in the temples, that as a womb is inviting us to enter in deep listening, receptive to a vibrational dialogue with Her ancient wisdom.
We all carry keys and codes in our soul’s vibrational signature that resonate with different physical power places on the planet. At pivotal moments in our lifetime, we are called to show up in these places and discover the magic of our multi-dimensionality and the mystery and memories waiting to be activated in these time-spaces.
About the Facilitators and Organizer
Diana Prem Shakti
Diana was born in Colombia, with an ancestry from her mother lineage connected with indigenous roots, Diana’s great grandfather was a curandero. She is a carrier of the prayers weaved deep inside the jungle, the medicine of yage has been her teacher and one of her prayer fields, where Diana has received codes from the elemental oratorio.
Diana is a psychologist, with a Ms systemic family therapy, transpersonal psychology and gestalt therapy, art and education. Author of the book “la maestra de tantra”. Facilitator of ISTA, international school of temple arts. A mother, a wife, a lover, a friend, a weaver of prayers. Discovering the art of dancing with roots and wings at the same time.
“My heart is vibrating with the synchronicity that is weaving this call and our commitment to respond and show up. It’s a gift for me to dance this prayer together with Kamala, Bynoi, Swami Ganga and the Bauls. I met Bynoi in the ISTA field, we co facilitate in Samotrakhi, and Colombia, both my home. It feels right to be going with him to his home and invite you to join us in this weaving of prayers, that is bringing us to dance together in India.” – Diana
Bynoi Desouza
Bynoi Desouza is a Somatic Educator, a Native Classical Tantrik Educator, Researcher, & Practitioner, an Internal Arts Coach & Shamanic BodyWorker, & Faculty at International School of Temple Arts (ISTA).
Diverse embodied fields inform his approach and spiral of enquiry including:
-Deep Somatics (Nervous System (PolyVagal Informed) & Fluid System Embodiment, Embryology, & NeuroScience)
-Classical Tantra (Translating root Tantrik sources directly from Sanskrit to Somatics & English) & Neo-Tantra
-Awareness & Embodiment of the Emotional & Energy Bodies
-Somatic & Embodied Boundary & Consent work
-VoiceWork & Sounding (the Esoteric Science of placement of Touch through Sound)
-Soul Awareness
-Temple Arts
-S.xual Shamanism
-Dance, especially Argentinian Tango, Movement Improv, & Sacred Dances
Bynoi grew up in India, & has spent the last 19 years living in the UK, Europe (Sweden & Belgium), & South America. He has facilitated, taught at, & produced Somatics, Classical Tantra, Subtle BodyWork, & Spiritual, Sexual & Shamanic week-long journeys & selected festivals since 2015 across Europe (Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Czech Republic, Croatia, Ireland, & Iceland), UK , India, & Colombia.
Bynoi is passionate about the possibility to resource from our own “Soma” (meaning “Body” in Greek And “mystery Elixir” in Sanskrit). Bynoi is fascinated by the inter-connections between Deep Somatics (Embodiment of the Nervous System, Fluid System, & Embryology), Classical Tantra (translated from “Root” sources from Sanskrit pointing to Somatic practices), & simple, & effective Trauma-Informed Neuro-Affective Embodiment. Bynoi is fascinated by the potential of using specificity of Breath, Movement, Dance, Sound, Awareness, Touch to impact Embodiment (physical, physiological, mental, emotional, energetic, sensual, sexual, spiritual, and soul). He speaks 7 languages including Spanish and Swedish, & is a life-long, long-term student of Sanskrit, the language used in primary Classical “Root Tantras”.
Kamala Devi Kim
Her whole life, Kamala sought to connect deeply with nature and culture all over the world. She holds MA degrees in Cultural Anthropology (with a minor in Gender Studies), Sociology, and Education. She has travelled and worked all over the world as an international (school) teacher, tourleader, and (retreat) host. Kamala also organizes trainings for the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA).
In her mid-twenties, Kamala began her journey back to inner wholeness. She received transmissions from various teachers and masters in yoga, meditation, shamanism, sufism, and Vigyan Bhairav tantra. She was trained in non-dual therapy (polarity work), and (energy) bodywork as a practitioner at different international (neo) tantra / mystery schools. She got introduced to the world of Osho and took sannyas.