ISTA’s vision is a world where humans have a peaceful, delightful, shameless, fearless, and loving relationship with their bodies, emotions, hearts, minds and spirit.
ISTA is a global, transformational movement committed to expand consciousness across the glove and to serve life & love
ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) is a global, transformational movement committed to expand consciousness across the globe and to serve Life & Love.
A retreat that offers a portal to love, joy, power, and freedom! This paradise portal is located on Bali at a lovely 3-star seaside resort with pools and tropical gardens.
Join and awaken your life-force energy alongside other beautiful beings who choose love and freedom as their cornerstones in life. upgrading your human experience is the first step towards living as an embodied soul on this planet. This retreat offers ….. connecting consciousness with embodiment.

Level 1
“The Experience”
Level 1 provides an alchemical container for transformation through group practise, ritual and meditation. It carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy. In this training, a team of skilled Temple Arts Faculty will share, inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where your power awaits to be reclaimed.
In the training, you will receive information, guidance and lots of experiential practice around:
- self-love
- boundaries and consent
- emotional release
- voice dialogue
- shamanic tools
- shadow work
- the ability to manifest
- accessing your inner gender opposite
- conscious communication
- transformational breathwork
- ancient rituals of healing/initiation and powerful clearing/activation processes.
Level 1 begins its work once the decision is made that this is the way we want to live!
It’s not just an ecstatic peak experience in a workshop once in a while, it’s a (new) way of life!
If you are ready to transform your life, these 7-day trainings are for you!
Level 1 is a prerequisite to complete before being admitted into level 2.

Level 2
“The Initiation”
Level 2 deepens the experience of Level 1 allowing for more hands-on practise with some of the tools and techniques taught. In this training, a team of skilled Temple Arts Faculty will guide you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
The level 2 initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.
This provides us with the opportunity to shift our identity into the soul and become the source of our own life, love and empowered expression in the world.
Its symbol is the offering up of the heart. Once the life is ‘given up’ or ‘taken over’ by this deeper part of ourselves then we are ready for the greater mysteries – the identification with the universal life of our cosmos and planet.
The self becomes a source of inflowing current to our surroundings enabling others to awaken, initiate and transform. We become a creative force in our environment.
Level 1 is a prerequisite to complete before being admitted into level 2.
Do you feel the call?
Thousands of people in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
These trainings carry enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an individual process that happens in a group environment and a level of ability to be self-responsible is needed to navigate the space. ISTA is a mystery school and approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul. We recommend that if there is known deep-seated trauma, individuals seek one on one sessions and get approval to participate from their therapist before entering the group process.