Tantra Sessions
& Support Trajectories 

Spiritual, shamanic sessions and tantric support trajectories that focus on inner union through intimacy, and activation through embodiment practises.

Open the heart and activate the body so energy flows, and you can live your most juicy, joyful and empowered life, feeling free, connected and balanced.

Heart Open & Body Awake 

Portal into Power & Pleasure

Path to True Love & Joy


Presence, Embodiment, Connection.

Trust, Surrender, Vulnerability.



(Kundalini) Bodywork

Kundalini bodywork, massage, de-armouring.


Meditation / Breathwork

Silent and active (kundalini) meditations.


Sound / Movement

Embodiment practises,
(kundalini) yoga.


Emotional Release

Tools to release emotions, practise emotional fluidity.


Inner Child & Shadow Work

Heal Father- and/or Mother wounds. Integrate disowned/repressed parts.


Polarity Framework / Inner Union

Masculine/Feminine, Dark/Light, Death/Birth, God/Animal and more.


Chakra System

Work with the chakras through (dynamic) meditations and massage.


Body Awakening

Energy activation. Practises to activate the bliss body and invite multiple full-body org@sm.


Inner Truth Alignment

Let go of limiting beliefs, patterns and conditioning that hold you back.

Awaken the Body

Activate Life Force Energy

Feel Free & Empowered in All of Life


Sessions & Support  

Tension and trauma is held within our body and nervous system. Often we are not aware of this (enough). It prevents us from living life fully, utilising our life force energy (also called kundalini / Earth energy) to create a life of pleasure, universal love and joy. 

In these sessions I create a safe space offering full loving presence so you can feel at ease within yourself and with whatever is present. I guide you into your body to help you feel what is present whether that is pleasure, pain or something else. 

If there is pain, fear, tension or trauma, we work with whatever lies at the root of these contractions so that it can be seen, felt, expressed and then integrated back into wholeness. This supports you to create space for more pleasure, joy, and love to come through

From a spiritual shamanic perspective, I am the intermediary between you as seeker and Spirit. I support you in your proces of healing from certain experiences, clearing your central channel, so you can fully utilise your life force energy.

I offer single sessions and support trajectories. A discovery session focusses on kundalini bodywork, and / or possibly massage and some de-armouring. In the longer support trajectories, we dive deeper while focussing on (most) of the (neo) tantra fundamentals as listed above. 



Duration: A single session of approximately 2 hours
Investment: €275 incl. btw

A somatic experience of what might be possible when you give yourself full permission to receive and surrender to loving touch and presence, while using the basic tantric tools of breath, sound, and movement. Slowing down, letting go, and practising awareness and presence. This session focusses on massage, and / or kundalini bodywork, and possibly some de-armouring. Prior to the session there is a conversation about intention and embodiment.



Duration: Weekly 2 hour sessions for 1 month | 4 sessions of 2 hours and daily homework practises
Investment: €750 incl. btw

Be guided into your body with different practises, meditations and massage. Experience what might be possible when you are able to deeply lean into whatever challenge is presenting in your life, or whatever blockages you experience so they can be released and re-wired, creating space for greater states of ease, grace, pleasure and joy. Dynamic / silent meditations and emotional release / fluidity practises play an important part in this experience. The more you allow yourself to feel into fear and pain, not (un)consciously blocking these, the more access you will have to states of pleasure, universal love and joy.



Duration: Weekly 2 hour sessions for 1.5 month | 6 sessions of 2 hours and daily homework practises
Investment: €1000 incl. btw

This support trajectory is a continuation of the Tantra Experience. Learn more about Polarity Work and Inner Union, and receive tools to guide yourself skilfully back to wholeness. Dive deeper through different Self Love and Self Pleasure practises. Guide yourself more and more into your body, to awaken and activate, and to open your central pleasure portal.



Duration: Weekly 2 hour sessions for 2 months | 8 sessions of 2 hours and daily homework practises
Investment: €1250 incl. btw.

This trajectory supports you to truly transform (aspects of) your life. Clear and open the central pleasure channel. Work with the chakra system. Receive massages specifically designed for each chakra, and practise active and silent meditations for each chakra at home. This trajectory truly gives you the tools to hold yourself in your deepest pains and your deepest pleasuresClear limiting beliefs and patterns that stop you from moving forward to create the life you desire. Create space for states of infinite joy and limitless love. Feel empowered in all aspects of your life.


You are the body.

Of course you are more than the body, but that ‘more’ will follow later on.

First, you are the body. The body is your basic truth, so never be against the body. Whenever you are against the body, you are going against God.

Whenever you are disrespectful to your body you are losing contact with reality, because your body is your contact, your body is your bridge.

Your body is your temple.”



What is Tantra?  

I consider tantra as a life-embracing philosophy, loosely defined as a “path” to liberation. It is a pathless path back to (inner) wholeness. It is distinct from certain other spiritual traditions in that it focuses on liberation via the physical body rather than through transcendence of it. Tantra uses somatic and energy techniques to rewire the nervous system and to change (aspects of) your life in the way you desire.

One of my teachers, Ma Ananda Sarita, described tantra as “a complete cosmology using the body as a template.” Tantra works with all the senses, all emotions, the chakra system, kundalini energy, expanded states of consciousness, refined intellect, and more. Tantra does not exclude anything. 

In its essence, tantra is about remembering, and about reconnecting with who we actually already are but maybe forgot, programmed by society’s standards and by our own belief patterns. It is about coming back to (inner) wholeness; reclaiming and living this true Self. Therefore, it is first and foremost about connecting to ourselves, our life force (also called our s.xual energy), and Source.

Often the flow of life force energy gets stagnated because of pain, fear, tension and / or (small) trauma held within the body and nervous system. Imbalances in the chakra system prevent us from fully opening up the central pleasure channel, letting life force energy move through the body, making us feel vitally alive.

When we work with the stagnations in our chakras (energy centers), we re-connect with the deep wisdom in our body, and s.xual energy will flow again and heal, awaken and activate us. When we let this pure life force essence – which exists in nature all around us – run through us, we include life in its most powerful and pleasurable potential. This is s.xual innocence, primal love, pure joy, and has little to do with s.x itself.

It is important to understand that I am referring to s.xual energy (life force) and not to the physical act of s.x. It truly is a (Western) misconception to think that tantra is about s.x. Only a very small part of tantra is about s.x, and the physical aspects of it, and that is because tantra is a life-embracing philosophy that does not exclude anything. It includes everything. 

Tantra means instrument for Expansion

Tan = Expansion & Tra = Instrument / Body

Many people were / are taught to be against the body. Many experience some form of shame or taboo. Tantra trusts in the body and its wisdom. The body is our temple. And we need to take care of our temple in order to connect to Source, and to live life as fully as is actually possible. The practise of emotional fluidity is essential in this, as emotion is the main area where life force is held. When we suppress emotion, we suppress life force energy.

Only when pain, fear, tension and / or trauma are mostly out of the body, we can truly live from the heart and access our full power. Often this means going into, and feeling, our shadow emotions so that we can transform them. It involves looking at our distorted and unintegrated parts. Our shadow parts need a place to express, to be seen, to be hold and loved, so that we can integrate them and come back to wholeness.

By doing embodiment practises for emotional release and fluidity, we safely let go of (deeply stored) emotions, unhealthy programming and patterns, and anything else that does not serve us (anymore). These and other tantric practises serve destruction, change and transformation. They help to destroy the stories we told ourselves to keep us “safe”. Sometimes these stories truly kept us safe, however there comes a time where they no longer serve but only hold back. Embodiment practises help to connect us to our own power to change and transform.

So tantra really teaches the full scope of emotions. Compassion, joy, wonder, peace but just as much (if not more important to begin with) anger, frustration, disgust etc. Emotions then become a tool of divine feeling and raw life force. First being with emotions, then moving them through, elevates us instead of bringing us down.

In this way, tantra is a lot about dead and rebirth. It is dark just as much as it is light. Transformation is often about losing solid ground of what we learned through the mind, destroying our belief systems, and our relationships based on attachments. It can be very intense. It is stripping away all that does not serve, which can feel very scary, as the ego tries to hold on.

Of course, the path of transformation can just as much be a very gentle, soft path and / or an absolute ecstatic and org.smic path. Especially when we experience a deep sense of safety and total surrender like (almost) never before. In the end, transformation often includes all of these experiences.

Awaken the Body, Be Radiantly Alive

Activated in Love & Joy


On a final note, tantra in its essence is really “just” love. It is living in the space of the heart, yet very connected with all other centers, from down at the root chakra, our base, till up at (and beyond) the crown chakra. If we deny our base, our s.xuality (life force / s.xual energy), we deny our Divinity. There is the well-known yogic, tantric saying “no mud, no lotus”. The lotus only blossoms because it has her roots in the mud.

To emphasise, mud does not have a negative connotation. Like all polarities, one only exists because of the other. Without mud, there is no lotus. Without darkness, there is no light. Duality will always be part of the human experience, wherever we are on our journey. We cannot get addicted to light, demising darkness. Without dark mud, the light lotus will not blossom / stop blossoming. To deny the base, is to deny our Divinity.

Osho said tantra is “really grounded in the earth, it has roots”. It is not some uprooted tree; dead, dull, dying where the juice does not flow. True tantra is innocent, raw, wild, messy and juicy, it is very alive, it is like nature itself. It is a path to rewild, to become free. It is a path that should feel authentic and empowering. It is a process of returning to our inner nature, and our direct connection to Source.

Tantra guides us into the Art of Being Free

Its practises rooted in Love & Meditation


+31683575873 (whatsapp only)

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